JKUAT Receives Gas Emission Analysis Equipment from CIM  

The Centre for International Migration and Development (CIM) has donated emission analysis equipment to JKUAT’s through the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The equipment will be used in research and training of staff and students in the analysis of gas emissions.

Dr. Peter Oketch receives the gas analysis equipment
from Mr David Mutua of GIZ while Dr. Joseph sang (center)
witnesses the handover with other JKUAT staff.

CIM is a joint program of the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) and the German Federal Employment Agency (BA) that aims to strengthen knowledge transfer by returning experts who use professional qualifications or experience gained in Germany to promote development in their home country.

Speaking while receiving the equipment which comprised of a Gas Analyzer and an Indoor Air Quality Analyzer, Dr. Peter Oketch, Chair, Department of Mechanical Engineering thanked GIZ for the equipment noting they will be instrumental in improving the quality of research and training in the department and college as a whole.

“This two equipment will aid in furthering research in the areas of analysis of gas emissions in the country. By doing so, we will put the university at the forefront in helping the country in finding solutions in managing its own emissions,” Dr. Oketch said.

Dr. Oketch who is a beneficiary of the exchange programme lauded GIZ for their assistance during his studies in Germany, as well as for the donation of the equipment.

Dr. Joseph Sang who represented the Principal College of Engineering and Technology also thanked GIZ for training JKUAT staff and students, saying the equipment provides a boost for the university in creating top graduates who will be competitive internationally.

“In order to produce excellent graduates, institutions of higher learning must have access to high-quality equipment and, most importantly, skilled professionals.” These two pieces of equipment will go a long way towards ensuring that JKUAT continues to produce quality graduates who can be recognized not only locally, but also internationally,” Dr. sang observed.

David Mutua, an official from GIZ, recognized JKUAT professionals who participated in the program, saying his organization is committed to upskilling staff and students of institutions of higher learning and ensuring they return to Africa.

“We believe that returning professionals will use their newfound knowledge to help their home countries.” As a result, knowledge transfer will be constant, and have a bigger impact on communities and the country in general,” Mr. Mutua asserted.

GIZ is a German-based foundation that mostly funds returning professionals who are former scholars in Germany.

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